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In collaboration with Ashna Patel, 2019

Rooted in co-creation and facilitation, this project explored how our shifting roles as designers could spark behavioural change in the light of the precarity of climate change, global inequalities and scarcity of resources.


The project was in collaboration with Brobygning Middelfart who conceptualise possibilities in which residents might utilise and interact in their local town in a more community-oriented and environmentally-friendly manner. Through co-design workshops, we engaged with male residents to understand how designers might facilitate and aid men to value and keep a hold of their clothing for longer by together imagining a possible future. 












Fletcher (2016). Craft of Use: Post-Growth Fashion. London: Routledge. 

Niinimäki (2011). From Disposable to Sustainable: The Complex Interplay between Design and Consumption of Textiles and Clothing. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS.

Ulasewicz & Hethorn (2008). Sustainable Fashion: Why Now?: A Conversation Exploring Issues, Practices, and Possibilities. New York: Fairchild Books. 

Lindstrôm & Ståhl (2019). Caring Design Experiments in the Aftermath. No 8: NORDES 2019: WHO CARES?. Finland: Aalto University.

Graham & Thrift (2007). Out of Order: Understanding Repair and Maintenance in Theory Culture & Society 24(3). California: SAGE Publications.

Clune (2010). Design for Behavioural Change in The Journal of Design Strategies 4(1). New York: The New School.

Halse & Brandt & Clark & Binder (2010). Rehearsing the Future. Denmark: The Danish Design School Press.

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